Sunny days are almost here again! Hooray for that because we alllll know that Summertime, and the livin’ is easy… To get your engines revved for Springtime and Summer, check out this salty sun-kissed seaside gathering filled with creatives.
This day spent in Montauk celebrating a photo exhibition of the Côte d’Azur is certainly high on our summer-lust list. With its artsy reputation and proclivity for amazing music, what better place to hang on a breezy summer day than The Montauk Surf Lodge?
Mega-talented photographer Sybil Steele and stylist Sheree Commerford of Captain and the Gypsy Kid put together an exhibition at the Surf Lodge, showcasing photos Sybil had taken in the South of France, as curated by Sheree. This match-made-in-Heaven kicked off their exhibit with a summer bash, surrounded by friends and fellow creatives.