Tre Scalini Ristorante - CT
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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
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Venue Setting

If you are looking for the warmth and inviting ambiance of an elegant, yet affordable Italian restaurant, look no further than Tre Scalini Ristorante in Tariffville. Diners can gaze out onto the ever popular Wooster Street as they enjoy their meal thanks to the many windows along the restaurant’s front. An upper balcony area offers seating that overlooks the main dining floor and features chandelier lighting for an added touch of elegance and romance. Dishes you are sure to enjoy at Tre Scalini Ristorante include the calamaretti fritti, gnocchi saporiti, spaghetti carbonara and the salmone alla brace. With so many pasta, seafood, poultry and beef menu items to choose from, you are sure to find something that is pleasing for everyone at Tre Scalini Ristorante.

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Tre Scalini Ristorante - CT
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