The Butchart Gardens - The Dining Room
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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
Best type of Celebrations

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Enjoy the stunning floral display gardens, plus the restaurant's historic surroundings and contemporary, fresh local foods. Located in the original Butchart family residence, you can experience spectacular views of the Private Garden, the Italian Garden and Tod Inlet. Indulge in Afternoon Tea in our Spring and Summer seasons, or our High Tea which offers more warm savories from October through the winter months. Lunch and dinner are served seasonally with a strong presence of local sustainable ingredients. Choose from our award winning showcase of Vancouver Island wines. Enjoy adding to your awareness and appreciation of local grapes and vintners. Please note that admission to The Butchart Gardens is required in order to access The Dining Room Restaurant. Our current admission rates are at

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The Butchart Gardens - The Dining Room
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