Ships Inn
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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
Best type of Celebrations

Venue Setting

The Ships Inn Restaurant offers one of Nantucket's finest dining experiences. Located in an historic whaling captain\'s mansion built in 1831, the dining room and lounge are below street level and have an updated colonial atmosphere. Tall windows along two walls let in the summer breezes and let escape the sounds of happy conversation. This restaurant is a very good choice for an evening out with friends, and there are cozy, intimate alcoves for more romantic encounters. American/French cuisine is featured, with everything freshly prepared on the premises. Chef Mark Gottwald's food is bold and flavorful, and presented with understated elegance. Dinner menu selections include lobster, calamari, crab cakes, salmon, prawns, chicken, duck, beef, and lamb. Only the freshest ingredients are used. Members of our restaurant staff have been part of the Ships Inn family for an average of seven years or more. Friendliness, attentiveness, and food knowledge are the cornerstones of our operation.

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Ships Inn
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