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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
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Retro Metro is 28 years in the making. After both Chef Tiny and Chef Hana crafted culinary greatness at The Metropolitan Grill in Springfield, they decided to go their own way. Southwest Springfield needed a great steak joint and they were just the power couple to bring it. Retro Metro is a “greatest hits album” of Metropolitan Grill — its legacy. But not only do they honor the greatest hits, they create innovative, new dishes, too. Combine Chef Tiny’s decades of restaurant experience with Chef Hana’s California Culinary Academy training and you’ve got the mashup of the century.What’s with the menu names? Each dish is named after a member of the Retro family — after all, they’re the most valuable part! Look closely at the menu to see the year that each dish debuted.Eat! Drink! And have a good time!

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Retro Metro
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