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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
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One Market Restaurant is open for indoor (and outdoor!) dining. Lunch (including pickup & delivery) Monday-thru-Friday 11:30am-2pm feauturing Mark ‘n Mike’s NY Style Delicatessen and One Market Restaurant FavoritesDinner: Monday-thru-Friday 5-8pm (pickup & delivery available 4-8pm) featuring our One Market Restaurant dinner menu plus Signature Sandwiches from Mark ‘n Mike’s NY Style Deli! PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT ACCEPT DINING ROOM RESERVATION FOR HAPPY HOUR. GUESTS WHO RESERVE IN THE DINING ROOM FOR HAPPY HOUR WILL BE MOVED TO LOUNGE, BAR or OUTDOOR PATIO. for more info. and current online menus.One Market Restaurant To-Go & Delivery Sanitation Protocols• Trained all employees on how to limit the spread of COVID‐19.• Regular, and consistent, sanitation of all preparation surfaces, kitchen equipment, utensils and other surfaces.Please note we no longer accept Lark Creek Restaurant Group Gift Cards

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One Market Restaurant
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