Nori Sushi - Diversey
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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
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Watching the sushi chef lightly create, fold and roll each signature Sushi dish is a fascinating show. It is as if they are between two realities. They effortlessly combine, spread and slice the ingredients into a presentation with the same understanding and mental focus an artist has while drawing, painting or sculpting. The Sushi artists at NORI are both transfixed and upbeat in their purpose, while handing off creation after creation with the knowledge that the appreciation of each presentation is temporary. They must know the vast majority of their work will never receive accolades, show up on a magazine's cover, or be appreciation by a dedicated mass media audience. Still, their art creates an effect, and a physical connection between desire, hunger and appreciation in the minds of those who will consume it. These sushi chefs are it seems, dedicated artists who accept their best presentation, masterpiece and most delicious dish, to which they sign with a

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Nori Sushi - Diversey
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