La Dolce Vita - Cleveland
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The Lowdown
Restaurant / Private Dining
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Welcome to La Dolce Vita Bistro - “The Sweet Life,” a restaurant and bistro created to recapture the bell-époque charm of “The Italian Drug,” opened here by Dr. Anthony Caruso in 1914. In the tradition of the great European bistros, La Dolce Vita is devoted to providing a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for everything from eight course dinners to coffee and Calvino. We strive to prepare the perfect meal, or the perfect cappuccino, and let you enjoy it at your leisure. Our pasta is cooked fresh to order, our sauces and dressing are painstakingly prepared using only the finest ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, the freshest vegetables, imported whole tomatoes, fresh basil and Italian parsley... and your table is reserved for the evening.

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La Dolce Vita - Cleveland
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