Jax Fish House & Oyster Bar - LoDo
1539 17th St, Denver, Colorado, United States

Jax Fish House & Oyster Bar - LoDo
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We don't take ourselves too seriously at Jax Fish House. Two things we do take seriously? The freshness and sustainability of our seafood. You know fresh fish when you see, smell, and taste it-and thanks to modern delivery technology, we bring in that freshy-fresh seven days a week. Sustainability is a little more complicated. Not all commercial fisheries are created equal. That's why we work closely with our suppliers and science-based organizations to ensure that every single thing we serve is responsibly sourced. We consider the stocks of the species we source to prevent overfishing and we work with suppliers who harvest in ways that have minimal impacts on marine environments.

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Jax Fish House & Oyster Bar - LoDo
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