Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you’ll have to walk into at least one of these. From moody spaces with faded wallpaper walls and velvet settees to tiny hideaways with glossy leather banquettes and mirrored ceilings, there’s every shade of glamour and flash to be found within the walls of these worldwide speakeasies. There’s a floppy disk repair shop that’s actually a bar in Austin. There’s a secret taqueria that makes delicious cocktails in the heart of Paris. There’s a fancy umbrella storefront that doesn’t sell umbrellas in Hong Kong. There are places small enough for your entire friend group to takeover along with plenty of spots offerings punch bowls best enjoyed by four or more.
Some of these speakeasies were brought back from last year's list by popular demand, some were submitted by you, our trusted readers, and some came our way by super secret sources that we can't disclose, but we are disclosing the passwords, tricks and tips of finding and entering these 50 hidden bars and speakeasies.
Reporter: Alyssa Brown
Learn more about this secret spot →
Project by Visual Display