So what is Fashion Feng Shui? Here's the backstory. In 2008, Catherine Sheppard of The Life Styled moved from New York to LA. She had no job set up, but knew that she wanted something different for her life plan than the event marketing path she had kind of fallen into. Right around that time, her mother (a Feng Shui practitioner) told her that she discovered something that sounded up Catherine's alley: Fashion Feng Shui. On a whim, she signed up for the 3-day certification course and flew to Boston for it. During those three days, Sheppard was in her element (no pun intended). She was the youngest person in the class by a good 20 years but was inspired and open to a world of possibilities for her style, career, well being, and that of others.
How does one figure out their style? What makes you different than the rest? It’s a big question. These days, there is so much out there. Pinterest and Instagram are chock full of outfit ideas, and we can all easily find our favorite bloggers to follow. But after a certain point, doesn’t it get a little stale? Sure, there are plenty of cute outfits out there, but sometimes when you go to recreate it, something feels off. What’s REALLY right for YOU? What makes you strut down the street rather than just walk? What makes other people look at you and go “she’s really got something”? Catherine has the answer and is telling all.
Photography by Heather Kincaid | Words by Catherine Sheppard of The Life Styled
The Five Elements
The answer is simple. When you are honoring your authentic core self and your goals through what you wear, it’s like fashion fireworks. The world knows it, and more importantly, you know it. This is what Fashion Feng Shui is about. OK enough vague talk. More specifically, it’s about:
1. Feng Shui. The ancient Chinese art of harmonizing yourself with your surrounding environment. While we’re used to this mainly applying to interiors, think of it in terms of our clothing being our most intimate environment.
2. The 5 elements. WATER. WOOD. FIRE. EARTH. METAL. Everything we wear has an energy, a vibe. Every garment or outfit is made up of the energies of one or more of the elements. It’s how you use them that makes the magic happen. Each one gives off a totally different feel through fabrics, textures, colors, styles, shapes, and patterns. It sounds new agey, but it’s legit. Your clothing makes the ultimate first impression, and the way people perceive what they see is more universal than you might think.
3. Your essence. Each one of us has an essence, which is based not on how you are already dressing per se, but on your personality. Your inner self. Our essence is made up of some combo of the 5 elements (usually with one of them as your main driving force). Say you’re a free spirit, and your friend is a perfectionist. Your sister is a drama queen, and your mom is traditional. These are parts of what make up our “essence” and the elements help us put the categories into words.
4. Your intentions. Whether it’s a goal for the year or for the day, these are the intentions which the five elements can help us achieve. I know, I know. It sounds SUPER hippy dippy. But you guys, this isn’t me being cray. The power of dressing with intention is no small thing. It’s about showing the world who you are, and who you want to become.
5. Your appearance. Every person is different on the outside too. The combo of your hair, skin, eyes, body type, and general visual vibe contribute to what makes it all come together.
"I’ve been working with clients one-on-one to teach them about Fashion Feng Shui and help them learn how they can use it in their own lives/wardrobe for years, but I have always felt that it would be so perfect in a group setting. That way, the attendees can learn so much not only from the clothes and the curriculum but from each other. Nothing shows you how you’re unique like being in a room full of inspiring women who all have their own style and backgrounds." - Catherine Sheppard
"Last year I hosted it at gorgeous venue, here Light Lab. It was so nice to see so many women I admire in one room, talking about their personalities and style, and seeing how we all identify with the five elements. I loved how the group was able to weigh in and help each other figure out their essence. It’s not always easy to nail down, so I think it helped the girls to be able to ask questions and see how each person was different from the next." - Catherine Sheppard
It brought me so much joy to see everyone getting into it, so now we are going to host another one this year!
Location: The WMN Space in Culver City (It will be an intimate setting in which to learn about your essence, the five elements, and how they can serve you in achieving a personal style that honors who you are in the most authentic way.)
Date: June 17
Time: 10am-1pm
The Tickets: Tickets are $130 each. Email catherine@thelifestyled.com to sign up!
Photography by Heather Kincaid | Words by Catherine Sheppard of The Life Styled | Tickets: Email catherine@thelifestyled.com to sign up!