If you're like us, you made 'traveling more' your number one New Year's resolution. You vowed to get out of your comfort zone, explore the unknown and immerse yourself in the new. We also propose to you a second resolution, a little late, but nonetheless important. We propose that you put down your phone, get off Instagram and stop snapping long enough to unplug and enjoy the tangible. Obviously, this is easier said than done so we've compiled this guide for when you're in need of a gal pal getaway, bachelorette party or good old-fashioned bonding sesh with your girls by your side. Make 2017 the year of getting out and doing more.
These are the places that make your childhood dream adventure come to life, your spine tingle and challenge yourself to grow. Leaving the modern world behind is sounding pretty appealing right about now, isn't it? Commence the data detox now.
By: Heather Ash | Venue: Hideout
Alright ladies, get ready to live out your Camp Walden Parent Trap dream at this "no-frills, back-to-bascis establishment, with no modern conveniences." Taking a scene straight from the movie, you'll partake in lakeside activities, camping, bonfires and a two story treehouse cabin. It's a step back in time in the best kind of way.